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Northern Lights

Hephzibah Beginnings

The Northern Lights shimmered and danced across the entirety of the heavens above me. For hours I just watched, a silent awe-filled spectator with a front row seat to a brilliant show, as they lit up the dark sky. What joy they moved with. No distraction. No hindrance. Just raw creative beauty accentuated by the gleaming white snow and the tall ominous shadows of the pines reaching heavenward. A tiny spark was set a flame in me. Here were the Northern Lights, filling the sky with the glory of God each night, while the inhabitants of earth lie sleeping. Why couldn't I and others join in the same song? In the days that followed this marvelous scene replayed in my mind's eye, and the spark soon sprang into flames and then suddenly burst into life: Hephzibah Herald.  

Hephzibah is a place where stories and art intertwine to create a patchwork of beauty, with the sole purpose of giving the glory back to the true Author and Artist. God is with us and doing many marvelous deeds in and through His people. He delights in us using our gifts to honor Him and tell the story of what He is doing even now in the world today! Will you not join the song as well? - The song that all creation has been singing since our Author spoke that first beautiful string of words: "Let there be LIGHT!" and the first of His artwork was put on display for mankind.

Hephzibah Herald Beliefs

We believe that there is Someone higher than us, who created the world and everything in it (Gen. 1:1), and more specifically created man and woman, in His image (Gen. 1:27). In the words of Augustine, we will be restless until we find our rest in Him. We believe in the God of the Bible - The Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) (Matt. 28:19). We believe that this God sent His Son to earth, to die a criminal's death on a cross (Phil. 2:8). We believe that every sin was laid on Jesus and He died the death we deserved (Isa. 53:6). But even death did not keep Him. On the third day He rose and ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of God (1 Cor. 15:4). We believe that He daily pleads our cause before God, so that we sinners can come before a Holy God at any time (Heb. 7:25). Because the Father sent Jesus to earth, to die on the old rugged cross, we can (by faith in Him) have Eternal Life (John 3:15). And it is only by grace that we have been saved (Eph. 2:8). Every person is sin-riddled at birth and therefore needs a Savior (Someone to save them from their depravity) (Psa. 51:5). We all fall short of the glory of God, but our true restoration is given in our new life found in Jesus (Rom. 3:23-4). Every person that does not believe on the Son, will be separated from God forever when their souls depart this earth (2 Thes. 1:9). And those who believe in Jesus will spend eternity with God (John 3:16). 

The Word of God is our foundation and has the final authority in our lives (John 17:17).

We were created to give glory to God, with our words, our actions, and our lives (Isa. 43:7).


Please ask us if you would like to know more about Jesus and the relationship He is longing to have with you, even today! 

Woman with Bible
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